20+ Baby Shower Invitation Wording Examples

Baby showers are so much fun. But organizing one can be hard work.

The invites are important for the key details of the shower but also as the first thing guests interact with. A well written invitation will really get everyone excited about the shower.

So use these bridal shower invitation wording examples to give you some inspiration to write your own.

Baby Shower Invitation Writing Tips

These are some of the main elements to include and to help you write an invitation that captures the feel of this special event.

What to Include

Name: Start with the name of the expectant mother or both parents if it’s a joint shower.

Reason for the Shower: Make it clear it’s a celebration of the baby, whether it’s a gender reveal or a general baby shower.

Date and Time: Essential details so that guests can plan accordingly.

Location: Include a full address and any relevant details such as room number or special instructions for finding the venue.

RSVP Information: Don’t forget to include how and by when guests should confirm their attendance.

These are the core details every invitation should have. On top of that think about mentioning any theme, dress code or specific requests (like bringing a book instead of a card) to help guests prepare for the event.

Formal or Casual

The tone of your invitation should reflect the style of the baby shower. For formal showers use the full names of guests and more structured language. For casual showers feel free to use first names and a more relaxed tone.


Adding personal touches such as a themed design, a cute poem or a picture of the expecting parents can make your invitations stand out and feel more personal.

Baby Shower Invitation Wording Examples

Celebrate the upcoming arrival of our baby girl!
Join us for a baby shower in honor of
Emily Johnson
Saturday, May 20th at 3pm
Rose Garden Clubhouse
Please RSVP to Jessica by May 10th

It’s almost time to welcome baby Max into the world!
Please join us for a special baby shower celebrating
Laura and Mike Smith
June 15th, 2pm
At their family home, 123 Maple Drive
Regrets only to Mike’s number

Join us for a sweet day filled with joy,
As we prepare for the arrival of our baby boy!
Baby Shower for Chloe Turner
July 18th, at 4pm
Sunset Park Event Hall
Kindly RSVP by July 5th

A little birdie told us a baby is on the way!
Come celebrate with us at a baby shower for
Sophie Lee
August 3rd, 1pm
The Downtown Café
RSVP to Olivia by July 22nd

Bottles, booties, bibs, and more,
Let’s shower the baby with gifts galore!
Please join us for a baby shower honoring
Rachel and David Kim
September 9th, 3pm
The Blue Lagoon Restaurant
Please RSVP to June at (555) 123-4567

Funny Baby Shower Invitation Examples

Diapers and bibs, bottles and more,
That’s what baby showers are for!
Baby party for Hannah and Jake
Saturday, April 1st, 2pm
Jake’s Grill
RSVP to Hannah or Jake by March 20th

Guess what? Kim and Bill are pushing a stroller soon!
Help us celebrate at their baby shower.
May 10th, 3pm at The Cozy Corner
Laugh, eat, and rejoice with the soon-to-be parents!
RSVP to Casey by May 1st

Babies are sweet, and ours is a treat,
Join us before our family expands by two feet!
Shower for Bethany Cole
June 22nd, 4pm
The Party Room
RSVP to Bethany’s Mom, Lisa

Pacifiers, socks, and little toys,
Let’s help Emily get ready for noise!
Join the baby shower fun,
July 30th, 12pm at Emily’s place!
RSVP to Sarah, details on the invite

Come join us for a day of fun,
Ella is expecting more than just one!
Twin girls are on the way,
Celebrate with us before the big day!
August 19th, 2pm
Parkside Pavilion
RSVP with Ella by August 5th

For a Gender Reveal Baby Shower

Blue or Pink, What do you think?
Join us for a Gender Reveal Party for
Christine and John Parker
March 21st, 5pm
Ocean View Terrace
RSVP by March 10th to John

He or She, What will baby be?
Find out at our Gender Reveal Shower
April 12th, 3pm
Sunnyvale Community Center
Please let us know you’re coming by April 1st

Join us to discover if it’s a boy or girl!
We can’t wait to share our joy!
Gender Reveal for Lisa and Mark
May 20th, 4pm
The Riverside Inn
Kindly confirm your attendance by May 5th

A baby is coming, cute and sweet,
Boy or Girl, whom will you meet?
Celebrate this moment with us
June 25th, 3pm at The Grand Hall
RSVP to Amy or Jake by June 10th

Pink or Blue, we have no clue!
Be our guest as we discover together
Gender Reveal Party for Olivia and Sam
July 15th, 4pm
The Lakeside Club
Please RSVP by July 1st

For a Tea Party Themed Baby Shower

You are cordially invited to a tea party baby shower in honor of
Samantha Reed
May 5th at 2pm
Victoria Tea House
Dress in your tea best and join us for an afternoon of elegance and celebration
Please RSVP to Melissa by April 25th

High tea and babies, hats and cradle,
Join us as we help Rachel get ready!
Tea Party Baby Shower for Rachel Adams
June 18th, 3pm
Garden Gate Café
Regrets only to Jenny

A baby on the way calls for a fancy day!
Please join us for a tea party baby shower
Celebrating Julia Morris
July 12th, 1pm at The Rose Room
Kindly respond by July 1st

Tea time and babies, a perfect blend,
Come celebrate with our friend!
A tea party baby shower for Anna Lee
August 30th, 2pm
The Downtown Tea Lounge
RSVP by August 15th

Put on your pearls and lovely hats,
We’re throwing a tea party, fancy that!
A baby shower for Laura Green
September 22nd, 3pm
The Royal Tea Club
Please confirm your presence by September 10th

These samples should give you plenty of ideas to create your own unique baby shower invitations that celebrate the upcoming joyous occasion.

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